February Member Spotlight: Beth Johnson!

Meet Beth Johnson–the amazing girl mom and boss babe! If you’ve worked out in class with Beth then you already know she’s the one offering endless encouragement to everyone around her. She’s the class’s biggest cheerleader and advocate for supporting women on their strength journey. She is especially inspiring for those of us who are moms trying to juggle all the things–family, career, and ourselves. Thank you, Beth for your authenticity and for the ways you go above and beyond to make Anthem a little extra special!

What inspired you to start your fitness journey?
I’ve always been an athlete. I ran races and participated in group fitness all throughout college, but the biggest change for me was having daughters. After I had our girls, it became very important to me to model that moms can be strong and moms can take time out for themselves. I saw so many of my friends make their family their only priority – putting themselves last. I don’t want that for my daughters – so I had to make it a priority to show them a different way. So far it’s worked as both of them are strong athletes in their own right and they inspire me!

What are some of the biggest challenges you’ve overcome since starting at Anthem?
The biggest challenge I have faced in my entire life coincided with starting to get very serious about improving my strength at Anthem. Out of no where I ended up having hip surgery. It was quite humbling to go from being a strong woman, to someone who could barely walk. I honestly credit my successful recovery to the coaches at Anthem who completely supported my journey back. Hadley in particular helped me through some pretty dark times when I doubted I’d ever get back to the gym again! I’m also grateful they partner so closely with Thrive PT as both Matt and Greg literally helped me get on my feet again.

What are you most proud of accomplishing so far?
This is going to sound super cheesy – but as I indicated above I am most proud that I’m a mom who models strength for her daughters. Hand to God if I would have seen my mom run I’d have known there was a fire somewhere! I didn’t see women exercise as I grew up – I honestly saw women give up on their bodies. I’m proud I haven’t given up.

What are your current fitness goals?
I want to get a damn pull-up!! What? Like it’s hard??? YES! It’s hard! But I’m going to get it!
Do you have a favorite workout or movement? What do you love about it?

I love, love, love power cleans! Talk about a movement that makes you feel strong and fast! I also love it’s one of my few lifts Eric says I do OK!

How has your fitness journey impacted other areas of your life?
Beating the same drum – seeing my daughters choose health. It’s also pretty cool when my husband and I lift together – I get mad respect for how strong I am!

Why did you choose Anthem?
Was it a choice? Anthem is where the best coaches and the greatest community is in Stillwater! You’d be a fool to not choose Anthem if your goal is to get stronger, build community, and have a great time doing it!

What do you enjoy most about our gym/community?
Besides the coaches, I have a great female squad I get to lift with! Women cheering other women on to get stronger – that’s the best thing ever!

Do you have any advice for new members?
Show up. Show up even though you feel like you don’t know what you’re doing. Or you think you’re the weakest person. Or you’re afraid to lift weights. Show up. You’ll be amazed at how strong you become and the great new friends you’ll make!

How do you stay motivated?
I’d have to say I’m more disciplined than motivated. I show up, I do my best, and then I let that motivate me to continue to show up.

What’s your favorite healthy snack or meal?
Domacin. A fish dish. A bottle of white. Panne cotta for dessert. I LOVE fine dining and bougie food!

What’s your favorite workout song?
I’m a sucker for Disco! Give me more Donna Summer!