5 Steps to Setting Achievable Goals

It’s time to start thinking about your goals for this year at Anthem!

We’ll be goal setting the first week in January during classes and writing them on the new goal board.  This helps us support you in your individual goals.  We take this into consideration when we program and coach. 

We will be setting a 30 day, 90 day, and 1 year goals. Now, for the good stuff…how do you set achievable goals?

Creating fitness goals using the SMART framework is a great way to give yourself direction, harness your motivation, and set yourself up for success. Because we don’t just want you to be setting goals, but smashing them!

Whether you’re wanting to make movement a part of your daily lifestyle, are training for an event or want to challenge yourself with something you previously felt was unattainable, your goals need to encourage you to take action.

How to set SMART Fitness Goals
The way you create your goals is so important — if you don’t set yourself the right kind of goals, you could be limiting your success before you even get started.

Your goals should be realistic and achievable within a certain time frame, and specific to your lifestyle and training habits. Using the SMART framework, you should consider five main focus areas when setting your goals to help make them more achievable.

SMART goals are goals that are:
1. Specific
2. Measurable
3. Achievable
4. Relevant
5. Time-bound

Here’s how you can make your goals SMART.

Be specific and clearly define your goal.
Effective goal setting involves more than just having a vague idea of what you want to achieve. You need to get specific.

When you have a specific goal, it’s easier to identify when you have reached it and plan what you need to do to get there. 

For example, the goal “I want to get fit” is not specific enough. What do you define as fit? How will you be able to tell when you are fit? This goal doesn’t provide you with a clear path to success or a clear finish line for when you arrive.

When setting your goals, thinking about the “who, what, when, where, why, and how” can help. Aim to clearly describe what you are trying to achieve and why you want to make your goal a reality.

Make your goals measurable.

When you can track your progress against a benchmark, you know if you are getting closer to achieving your goals! This can help to keep you motivated.

Some examples of measurable fitness goals are: 

Achieving a set number of repetitions of an exercise, for example, five bodyweight pull-ups
Lifting a specific weight for a new 1RM.
Running a personal best time over a set distance
Why is it important to be able to measure and track your goal in this way? Not only will you be able to see your progress over time, you’ll also know when you have achieved it!

Returning to the push-ups example, a measurable fitness goal would be: “I want to be able to do 20 full range of motion push-ups.”

By specifying how many push-ups you want to do, you can slowly work towards that number when you are at Anthem.

Make them Achievable.

If you are new to CrossFit, it’s not very realistic (or advisable) to set yourself the goal of doing a Muscle Up in your first month. Setting goals that are within an achievable range, will keep you motivated and on track. At Anthem, we will be setting 3 goals:

  1. Something you can achieve in the next 30 days. Keep this simple, like consistently showing up to the gym or consistently working on a skill, or maybe cutting out a bad habit.
  2. A three month goal. This is something that’s a little further out of reach, but that with consistency should be able to be met in 90 days.
  3. This is your stretch goal. Something that is within the realm of possibilities, but it is going to take planning and commitment to achieve in the next year.

Are your goals Relevant?

Setting a relevant SMART fitness goal means thinking about the ends you’re trying to achieve and finding the path to get there.

If you are trying to PR your Snatch, that’s not going to happen by deadlifting and walking.  You would need a plan relevant to this goal.  You need to build strength and improve technique.  

Think about your goal and work backward to create your path forward. Ask yourself: Do you need to change a habit? Do you need to add supplemental programming? What are the actionable steps you can take?

Your goals need to be Time Bound.  

A time-bound goal means setting a timeframe, sometimes even a specific date that you can circle on your calendar, by which you plan to have achieved the goal. Adding a time-sensitive element to your goal means you’ll be able to plan the incremental changes you need to achieve the goal and set milestones along the way.

We’ve done this part for you already.  You are looking to set three goals you can achieve in the next year–30 days, 90 days, and 1 year out.  

Wanting to reach for the stars this year with your goals? 

The Anthem Community will support you, but if you feel like you might need a little something extra, consider some options:

This could be a good time to add an OPEN GYM to your membership.  This gives you extra time to work on skills or build strength outside just the 60 minutes of class.

If you have a goal that feels out of reach, you can reach out to a coach for a goal setting session and a personal program to help you achieve that goal! Sometimes we need extra support on our journey.  Our coaches are here for you!

Goal Review Session ($20/30 minutes)*

4 week Personalized Plan ($100)

*If you sign up for a personalized plan, the goal review session is on us!

We have some exciting stuff in the works for 2024, so get ready!!