September Member Spotlight: Dick Petrick!

What brought you to Anthem in the first place?
I had been Mike Ripley’s patient at OSI since 1996. At home, I religiously did the exercises Mike gave me. At some point, a little more than a year ago, Mike said that Hadley Wuertz had started a Strength Training/PT regimen called Anthem Longevity. He said that he thought that I would like the program. So, I visited Anthem for a session. Mike was correct. I liked it.

What was your first impression of CrossFit and our Longevity Class? How has that changed?
The friendliness of the staff and participants was remarkable. We were a small group back then and we have since grown in number.
What changed? The friendliness grew as we grew in number…..and along with it came a feeling of camaraderie. We are more than a club….more like a family of friends.
Oh….and Boone is an amazing critter……Never farther away from Hadley than 10 feet….except….when I bring Beggin’ Strips to the gym.

What was your first “bright spot” at Anthem?
The first time that I gained enough confidence/courage to do ring rows was undeniably my first “bright spot”. The second “bright spot” was when Boone…as people shy as he is….. let me pet him for the first time.

How has being at Anthem benefitted you as an athlete?
Anthem has benefitted me in many ways. I am no longer an athlete, as such, but I move better….I am stronger…..Some exercises have enhanced my confidence….
In the last 12 months, I’ve lost 32 lbs. I can stand up from a sitting position without the help of my arms.

How has your view of what you’re capable of achieving changed through working with Anthem coaches?
I think that the coaches are very skilled at getting me to challenge myself. Sometimes, it will be by subtle messages like “Perhaps you could add a little weight” Or, “Start lighter and build.”

One of the most amazing things to me is that no two Longevity Sessions are ever the same. Hadley is very creative with her venues……which are never Ho-Hum or boring.
There are always three facets to our workouts: Balance; Strength; and Cardiopulmonary; …..each session has different exercises which work on different muscle groups and stamina aspects.

Has your mindset changed since you’ve been at Anthem? If so, how?
I’m 80 years old. I realize that no amount of exercise will give me the balance, the strength, the agility…..and…..the body…… that I had when I was in my 20s.
I’ve come to understand that working with Anthem Longevity however, is slowing the aging process for me.

The Greeks believed that there was connection between the body and the mind….and that we must exercise both to attain balance in our lives. And so, when I get home from a session with Hadley/Kami……I feel at peace knowing that I have done something good for my body. I feel a gentle exhilaration. I feel good about myself.
I am in a good place.

And most importantly: what is your favorite song for working out?
Well, I really like the rondo in Mozart’s 22 piano concerto in E flat major……but that probably wouldn’t work with an AMRAP.
So, I guess for a workout there are so many great songs…..probably……. “Sweet Caroline” by Neil Diamond is my favorite.

Is there anything else you want to share about your journey with us?
Anything else?????? Perhaps gratitude.
Thank you Hadley, Kami…….and all my workout partners…the two Dennises…Pat….John…..Bill….Paula…..Karen….Janet…..Dan……Pam….Suzie
And of course…….Boone.
You have enriched my life in ways that are difficult for me to describe.